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Social listening involves much more than simply hearing words and sounds. It requires active listening, participation, and intent focus. A good listener is able to pay close attention to what is being said, and interpret what is left unsaid or only partially divulged. This approach uncovers hidden and missed opportunities in online conversations.

Active Listening in Social Media

Listening actively means paying very close attention not only to the communication, but also to the manner in which it is being conveyed to you.

These are three simple ways to actively listen to the social media audience and uncover opportunities:

  1. Stop Talking. Resist the urge to interrupt. Listen intently to what others are saying. When somebody else is communicating, carefully process the message they are conveying. Interject only to clarify information and to ensure you are receiving their message accurately.
  2. Listen for Ideas, Not Just Words. You must make every effort to understand the entire scope of the message, not just parts, bits or pieces. One of the biggest challenges of listening is linking pieces of information together to reveal the ideas and motivation of others.
  3. Be Empathetic. Try to understand the other person’s position and point of view. Look closely at the issues from their perspective and determine why they are so passionate about their message.

Most of the successful people I’ve known are the ones who do more listening than talking. – Bernard Baruch

Both online and offline, active listening can be used to improve relationships, reduce misunderstanding and conflicts, strengthen cooperation, and foster a deeper understanding.

Identifying Opportunities

Aside from identifying valuable opportunities to increase sales, active listening in social media uncovers ways to improve customer service, challenge research and development, and inspire marketing teams. The valuable insight collected directly from the consumer audience can be used to improve the performance of:

  • Customer Service – Quickly identify consumer concerns and offer immediate help.
  • Marketing and Public Relations – Target specific issues in the marketplace and offer solutions.
  • Product Development – Provide focused insight on how to improve your products/services.

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. – Bill Gates

Critics, whether they be of your product or someone else’s, can provide unfettered feedback that inspires productive change and meaningful improvement in your startup. By using social listening strategies to closely monitor social media, forums, and blog posts, as well as the audience’s comments that follow, you will be rewarded with powerful insight and potentially lucrative opportunities.

Social Listening and Startup Success

Many successful leaders and entrepreneurs have credited their success to the development of effective listening skills. For one, Richard Branson frequently attributes listening to be one of the main factors behind the success he has experienced at Virgin.

The word “listen” contains the same letters as the word “silent.” – Alfred Brendel

Listening demonstrates respect and empathy for others. People who are great listeners appear more trustworthy, and are perceived as more competent, capable, and credible. Because effective communication plays a role in all positive human relationships, social listening should be regarded as one of the most important building blocks of your startup’s success.